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Third Quarter Mighty Dragon Readers


This quarter we are busy learning reading strategies that will help us for our life long learning and for all subject areas.  Home work every night consists of reading 45 minutes a night. This consists of anything academic and reading a book, so if they have civics and they are reading this counts. 


Wow third  quarter already! This quarter we are starting new activities called station rotations.  The studenst move every 20 minutes to a station that is focused on key elements of reading such as learning vocabulary,  comprehension skills both reading informational text and literature Uprising and Mid Summer Night's Dream. The students also get small group instruction from me on specific skills they need that was identified from in class activities and also STAR test data. Ask your child to show you their buckets for math and reading. Please be checking your child's reading log and AR progress they can show you how to access it.


Can't wait to see our learning gains.  If you have questions at any time, please email me at [email protected] 

or call the school


It's a pleasure to be your child's teacher.

Sincerely, Mrs. Walters